Sunday, October 19, 2014


Cutting off 10+ inches. An important decision in finding myself.
The last four years have been an exhaustive and soul searching journey. They have been spent in introspective meditation, meaningful research, extensive reading, tears, smiles, and ultimately a redefining of the meaning of freedom. It is not likely I will share the minute details of this journey, or even the reasons for it. Journeys, after all, are essential in the human existence. I can't assume that mine would be meaningful to you; however, it was life-changing to me.

And yet, in all this "finding myself," I actually lost a bit of myself as well. However, not in the way one might expect. We moved. And I began a demanding job. For the last 4 years I have grown consumed by my work in such excess that I lost my hobbies and essentially, the past-times that made me "me."

I heard a quote about a month ago which stated that those with hobbies are the most happy. This phrase certainly rang true to me. After all, here I am, working 50+ hours a week in a thankless job, so tired when I get home I just want to lock myself in a room and turn off my brain. Only to get up and do it again the next day.

But this quote hit me hard enough that I decided I have to do something. I have to take my life back. So, if this idea rings true to you, join me on my journey to do just that. Over the next, who knows how long? I will be stealing my happiness back by documenting my loves: Running, eating healthy, gardening and ultimately getting my life back. The only obstacle? Well, that's the ultimate goal: Balance. A life of balance.

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