Monday, August 23, 2010

A Stye in My Eye

Have you ever gotten a stye? They can be really painful. I used to get them as a child quite a bit.

What is a stye? Simply put, it is an infection in the eyelash follicle of the eye.

I started feeling one coming on last evening and went right home and took care of it, when it occurred to me that most people might not know a natural way of getting rid of styes.
Don't be judgin' my up-close and personal shot.

That said, here is the natural remedy:

First, find a gold* piece of jewelry, preferably a ring.
Next, wash it thoroughly. I wash with natural soap because I don't want anything inside my eye with harsh chemicals.
Third, dry it off using a towel that won't shed any loose fibers.
Now comes the tricky part: Using your fingers, open your infected eyelid. With the other hand, gently rub the gold ring on the inside of the infected lid, right at the stye. It will actually feel cool and soothing.


Repeat as often as necessary until the stye is gone. You should see results right away, with the stye gone in the next day or so.

*I tried white gold and it didn't work.
**While you have a stye, it is recommended that you don't use makeup, or share facial towels. Styes are contagious.


  1. Thanks Jeri, but it's already gone!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. how do you know for sure that you have a stye?

  4. It hurts and there is a specific sensation when you blink it feels like a little tiny pebble is inside your eyelid, under the skin so the blink puts a soft rub but noticable ball like force on your eyeball where the stye is. I have one right now and have only ever known to put black tea bags (after draining hit water but warm) on your eye or using a wash cloth that you dip in a black tea, tummeric soup or cocunut oil.. make the tea/soup and use a clean cloth to dip in (warm not hot not cold) and hold it there like the warmish (not hot) teabag 4 to 5 times a day. Never try to pop a stye like a pimple; I did as a teenager and just like the doc back then said I am more prone to them because I scarred the lining of pores I put pressure on (it never popped but a little whitish yellow speak like in thick sand grain came up)... I am eager to try this gold trick as I havnt heard of it and if as to answer you again, if you have a style youll know it every time you blink and will probably secrete tears and other possible liquids from it until its clear
